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Syne (from Danish word "sight") and doc (an abbreviation of the word "document") are combined to form Synedoc, a term that alludes to the act of seeing and remembering, both of which are at the base of how humans understand reality. At the same time, the word phonetically resembles the Portuguese word "sinédoque", a figure of speech in which a term for a part of something is used to refer to the whole (pars pro toto), or vice versa (totum pro parte). Originating from greek, this term signifies 'simultaneous understanding'.
These ideas are at the base of Synedoc films, a production company founded by Daniel Miranda Silva in 2019, while in Copenhagen, Denmark. Through the years, we have produced independent and self funded films, but also worked on various other projects, of different lengths and scopes, for international media outlets.
Daniel Miranda Silva
founder Synedoc films

We have previously collaborated with the following media:


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